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Under pressure

A few months ago, I realized that whenever I thought about earning a living, I felt it was necessary for the job to include some level of stress, hard mental or physical work, impossible deadlines, dealing with difficult people, basically some kind of overwhelm... Having someone's emergency suddenly becoming my priority!  For it to be truly a job that would be valued in my mind, it had to involve me coming home totally exhausted, broken on the verge of break down!  And then, dreading to go the next day because of the above!  Yet, doing it anyway! Oh... and complaining about it at home to anyone willing to listen. Here I was living in a country town because I had decided to move away from the city's rush, traffic jam and pressure, to give a chance to my family to live with more time to ourselves to enjoy life, but I was creating it all over again. That's when I realized, I was the culprit. The geographical location of my life didn't matter. I had to stop and think about

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